Vicars Lane Independent Chapel - Coventry
Baptisms 1820 - 1837

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This file is an index to the baptisms in Coventry - Vicars Lane Independent Chapel from 1820 to 1837

The registers for 1724 – 1806 were lost by 1806… a new register was begun.
Names were transferred from the old register, for a subscription of 3d., in 1816, by John EAGLETON (Minister). Late baptisms were also conducted.
In 1820 the following officers were mentioned on the opening page of the register:
John SIBREE (Minister), Gamble BRADLEY and James HARRIS (two of the Trustees),
Thomas GOODRIDGE, John DORRINGTON and Thomas SHEFFIELD (three of the Deacons).

The data is extracted from LDS film number 825429

Currently the following transcription is online:

1820 - 1837 This Index full listing Full Listing

Kindly supplied by Carole Eales


Adams, Allen, Allsop, Archer, Ascough, Athersych, Atkins.

Bagshaw, Bainard, Bainwell, Baker, Bannard, Barber, Bark, Barns, Barnwell, Barr, Barton, Bassett, Beamish, Beasley, Beaumont, Beesly, Benton, Bicknell, Bidmead, Bird, Blackwell, Blakeman, Bland, Blundell, Booth, Boulton, Bradley, Bradnick, Broadhurst, Brocklebank, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Burbidge, Burdett, Burton, Butler, Bywater.

Carey, Carless, Carpenter, Carr, Carvell, Chapman, Chater, Cheslin, Chinn, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Cleever, Clift, Collett, Collins, Compton, Connop, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copeland, Copelin, Coplin, Cox, Crockford, Curzon.

Daffron, Dalton, Dann, Davies, Day, Dorrington, Dry, Dunn.

Eagleton, Eaves, Ebrall, Eburn, Eburne, Edwards, Eld, Elkington, Elliott, Etherington.

Farren, Fenton, Fife, Fleming, Flinn, Francis, Franklin, Furlong.

Gascoigne, Gibbs, Goode, Goodridge, Gore, Grey, Griffin, Grimmett.

Hall, Harkness, Harper, Harrison, Harrow, Hatton, Haymes, Hemming, Hewitt, Hill, Hiorns, Hirons, Hitchins, Hobley, Horsfall, Hudson, Hulm, Hutt, Hyslop.

Iliffe, Innocent.

Jackson, Jarrett, Jeffs, Jelly, Jennings, Johnson.

Keen, Kinder, King, Kirby, Knight.

Lambeth, Lax, Leake, Lee, Leek, Leigh, Lenton, Lewis, Lightbourn, Lightbourne, Lissaman, Lithgoe, Lowe, Lucas.

Makepeace, Mallabone, Mann, Marrs, Marshall, Masters, Matticks, Mawley, McOwen, Millership, Minster, Moore, Moreton, Morris, Mountford, Muston.

Needham, Newbury, Nichols, Nicks, Nightingale.

Oldams, Orton, Oswin, Owen.

Palmer, Pearman, Pearson, Perkins, Pettifor, Phillips, Pickard, Piggott, Pollard, Porter, Pratt, Price.

Radford, Rainbow, Randle, Reed, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richardson, Rigg, Riley, Roberts, Rowley, Rushton, Ryley.

Sanders, Sands, Sansom, Sansome, Saunders, Scampton, Scott, Shaw, Sheffield, Shipley, Shortland, Shufflebotham, Shuttleworth, Sibree, Sidwell, Simkins, Simmons, Simpkins, Smith, Soden, Spencer, Squiers, Squires, Stain, Stanton, Stenstone, Summers, Swindell.

Tallis, Tandy, Taunton, Taylor, Tedd, Tilt, Timerick, Toney, Torrall, Townsend, Tranter, Treen, Tunks, Turner.

Vallance, Villiers.

Wainwright, Wale, Walker, Wallington, Walton, Ward, Warden, Waterfall, Waterson, Waterstone, Watts, West, Weston, Whatnell, Whitehall, Whittem, Whitwell, Whyman, Wilkins, Windsor, Wood, Wright,

Currently the following transcription is online:

1820 - 1837 This Index full listing Full Listing

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